DCS/LGU Resources

Local Services Planning Process and Guidelines

One of the primary responsibilities of the LGU under Article 41 of the Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) is to develop and annually submit a Local Services Plan (LSP) to each NYS mental hygiene agency. The Mental Hygiene Agencies are the Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS), the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). The LSP establishes the local priorities, needs and outcomes for the LGU in the coming year and the metrics used to measure the outcome.  

LGUs have been conducting local planning since the 1970s. The process has evolved into an electronic format through the County Planning System (CPS) which allows local planners to access relevant and timely data resources to conduct needs assessments and planning using one standardized format for all of the three agencies. The Mental Hygiene Planning Committee includes representatives from the OMH, OASAS and OPWDD, the NYS Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors (CLMHD), and LGUs. The committee meets regularly to guide and update the local planning process to reflect changes and to develop resources that support the work of county planners. This collaboration enables LGUs to conduct local planning in a more integrated fashion that creates system-wide improvements in the quality of services and supports to individuals, families and communities.


Process Step


2024-2027 Local Services Plan Due June 30, 2023
2025 Update to 2024-2027 Local Services Plan Due June 2024
2026 Update to 2024-2027 Local Services Plan Due June 2025
2027 Update to 2024-2027 Local Services Plans Due June 2026
2028-2031 Local Services Plan Due June 2027

Below are links to the 2024 Plan forms and surveys. Links to the forms were sent by email on May 5, 2023, and included the passwords for accessing the forms. If you did not receive the email containing the password information, please contact oasasplanning@oasas.ny.gov

If you need an extension, please contact oasasplanning@oasas.ny.gov and state the date you would like the deadline extended to.

It is highly recommended that LGUs write out draft responses to the planning questions and then paste them into the form, rather than composing the plan directly in the online form. 

Each form contains a “Save and Resume” link so that you may pause working on the form and come back to it later. The “Save and Resume” feature provides you a unique link to resume answering questions, as well as an option to email yourself this link.  It is highly recommended that LGUs copy the link and save it in a safe place, such as a Word document, in case the email does not work. Without the link, the data entered cannot be retrieved, and the form will have to be started again at the beginning. Additionally, file uploads will not save using the “Save and Resume” feature, so if you intend to upload supporting documentation, wait until you are ready to submit all forms.

The core forms comprising the Local Services Plans are:

1) Goals and Objectives Form: https://oasas.formstack.com/forms/2024_goals_and_objectives

2) Needs Assessment Form: https://oasas.formstack.com/forms/2024_needs_assessment_form

These forms are related in that, Goals from the Goals and Objectives Form may address Needs identified on the Needs Assessment form. In order to eliminate duplication of effort, if a Need is addressed by a Goal, then it does not need a descriptive paragraph on the Needs Assessment form. 

In addition to the two core forms, there are two surveys in the 2024 Plan:

3) CLMHD Mental Hygiene Planning Racial Equity Subcommittee Survey: https://oasas.formstack.com/forms/2024_clmhd_mental_hygiene_planning_racial_equity_subcommittee_survey

4) 2024 OASAS Recovery Residence Landscape Survey